Sabbatical 2024 - Reports - Learnings
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Reports Top: Sabbatical 2024 - Reports
I learned 防火・防災管理 (Fire and Disaster Prevention), completed an onsite training for the Gallup Global Strengths Coach program, and started courses in the Globis MBA program. I have obtained or am in the process of obtaining certifications for these programs.Details
防火・防災管理者 (Fire and Disaster Prevention Manager)
🗓️ May 18th
防火・防災管理者 (Fire and Disaster Prevention Manager) is a role/assignment responsible for overseeing fire safety and disaster prevention measures within a building or facility. I attended a 2-day learning program and obtained the certification.
I obtained the certification to assist in managing the safety protocols at my apartment building.
I attended 防火・防災管理講習 and received certification for 講習修了 from 東京消防庁
Globis MBA (single-course class)
🗓️ July 10th~
I am taking classes for Globis MBA 単科生, or pre-MBA, which you can take before applying for the full MBA course. I am now taking two classes:
Essentials of Marketing and Strategy / マーケティング・経営戦略基礎 (EMS)
Critical Thinking / クリティカル・シンキング (CRT)
And applying for two more:
Essentials of Accounting / アカウンティング基礎
Marketing / マーケティング
I started and am completing two classes (in the July-September term).
I applied for two more for the following October term.
Gallup Global Strengths Coach
🗓️ August 10th~14th

I participated in a five-day onsite Gallup Global Strengths Coach program, which focused on strengths-based coaching techniques, particularly the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Certification is still in progress, requiring an exam and coaching sessions with six individuals.
I completed a 5-day onsite training session.
Taking the certification exam.
Conducting coaching sessions for six people.
2024 Summer Others -
Globis MBA 単科生
Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach