1 minute read


Throughout the sabbatical, I committed to various activities that may seem miscellaneous but are actually interesting ideas to me. These include 3D Printing, Cooking, Socializing, Visiting my hometown, and more.

These activities also construct my life with real value; I could spend more time on them while I am off work.


I have been interested in the idea of building boxes that fit anywhere. 3D Printing is the tool that enables me to build my own BOX with ANY SIZE!


(2024-04-28 Yet Another Nose Hair Cutter (Holder)

(『Template:Cat03』彫刻STLデータ【3Dプリント用】 - https://ryohagiwara.thebase.in/items/82457764)

📷️ 202404-08 Cooking - https://photos.app.goo.gl/kz8APwsF1JX1g76A8

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